Get up and grow to the worldwide stage!

Do you wish to expand the reach of your products and services? You can bring them into new markets via Data collection, Localization, and management services. Speech, videos, image data collection, and post-processing are suitable and sought-after ML and AI solutions. Tailor your services and products offered to every market’s unique and best linguistic, technical, and cultural requirements.

Our team has only one aim –

We assure you of complete perfection in making your services and products comprehensible for everyone with different languages, backgrounds, or cultures. It allows our customers to trust us with their language and technology expertise. We help them to expand their customer base and reach out to every possible community.

Our experts have a passion and dedication toward language and technology; they are both innovative and creative. We have a remote, as well as an in-house team all across the globe skilled in their native languages.

We offer end-to-end data collection services to train and test all the recent AI technology. Do you know about the data services we offer? All sorts of data you are searching for – are our demand and priority to provide.

Check out data collection services and keep scrolling for brief information!

We offer varied data collection services such –

  • Speech
  • Text-to-speech data
  • Conversational data
  • Image as well as video data

And many more.

Data is the most necessary element in machine learning technology development. Your required data must be –

  • Natural – Real products of the world need real data from the world. You will require data from various environments to train your AI in which your solution or products will be relevant in reality.
  • Customized
  • Scalable

We take useful data to power AI and ML technologies.

data collection services

Data annotation, Make your data organized!

We get more out of Data Collection and manage the logistics of collection and aggregation. You can gain maximum insight into the targeted audience after we annotate and organize your data based on locale, culture, and language. Image captioning, video captioning, gesture labeling, and tagging assist in the process.


Voice collection

We help you to collect different data for AI-developed gadgets involving voice assistants, autonomous vehicles, and fitness wearables. We provide customized speech data in many languages, flexible to any scenario or acoustic setup from the car inside, in the recording studio, or at any of the dinner parties.


Image/Picture data collection

Now train your computer-based product with the best and perfect scenario setups or remotely image data collected of traffic, faces, documents, handwriting, and so on. We provide you with collection services according to your requirements from any of the images and pictures. Our talented and experienced team makes your work as easy as possible.


Video Localization

Enhance every object and advance with facial recognition technology with human interaction videos, traffic, etc. – in a highly controllable environment. We accept different methods to collect data. Our experienced team analyzes your requirements thoroughly and works on them –giving us optimal results. For further details, Reach out to us.


Data Filling

We offer different methods to fill in and collect data from all over the world, with specialization in various countries and languages. If you require a scenario with specific needs, we can make that happen. We have the latest technology to collect varieties of data across the global database of different users from the mobile application.


Data Labeling

Are you in need of bulk data? How do you plan to manage it? We can help you label data in various categories and manage it accordingly. If you need thousands of speech samples, data annotations, and so on, our professionals are here to provide you with high-quality services as per your requirements and projects.