Monthly Archives: May 2022

6 Ways Localisation Translation Can Boost Your Business

Localisation Translation is defined as diversifying the cultural/regional/ethnical or other socially relevant aspects of a text before introducing it into a new place with the aim of enhancing its reach among the people of that place. We have been doing it for a number of businesses and to be honest, there is no practice and […]

What Do Localisation Services Do?

Localisation services are agencies who change different aspects of your business in such manner and method that you or your products become more visible or easy to deal with for a certain targeted customer segment.Only 6 in 10 businesses now use localisation although surveys indicate that in the future, every fourth customer will look to […]

3 Things You Did Not Know About Christian Translation Services

Have you ever wondered about why the Biryani cooked by the Nizam’s cooks in Lucknow will always stay above any other biryani in the world? Well, because they invented it. Same is the story for Christian Translation services – they are the cream in the pot because they invented the whole idea of food in […]

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