Monthly Archives: January 2023

Metaverse For Localization

Metaverse has been trending lately, but is it the same thing as your favorite superhero movie? Don’t get excited too soon, it is more about software localization or web localization with a hint of mystery. Let’s uncover the true meaning behind the metaverse and how it could lead to a completely different localized reality inside […]

The Importance of Sign Language Interpretation

Before delving into sign language interpretation, it is crucial to understand what sign language is and how it is essential in our daily lives. Sign language is a method of visual communication that utilizes hand gestures, symbols, facial expressions, and body language. Initially developed as a means of oral language for facilitating communication among physically […]

Corporate Transcription Benefits

The world of business is complete with multiple targets. Some organizations have the requirement of maintaining consistency in their work with weekly meetings, and others prioritize keeping a log of work done everyday to track productivity. All of this scattered data must be stored somewhere to reflect business goals. Recording and organizing information through transcription […]

Importance Of Localization For The Travel & Tourism Industry

After a mentally & physically scarring year, limiting our travel plans (by a 72.4% decrease in international arrivals), 2023 looks promising. The Covid-19 pandemic scare remains, but not to an extent that might hinder the masses from venturing into the locations they’ve wished for. Travel & Tourism industries observe another fast-growing rise in people flooding […]

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