How to Localize assets: A Start

A language is a powerful tool. Infamous words of Federico Fellini, A different language is a different vision of life. Localization is the process of adapting a resource or product to meet the needs of a certain location. Localizing your materials entails making essential adjustments to current information to ensure that it is understandable to […]

Understanding Localization

Language provides a means for communication among and between people. It serves as a tool for expressing one’s thoughts and feelings. And when it comes to diversity, language is a bridge for building relationships between people and communities. The age of globalization has brought people across the world together. Culture, religion, social norms, and languages, […]

Localization – Diversity, and Inclusion

Language is an undeniable power that can shape our reality. Be it Sci-fit or academics, the language carries a weapon of change. Our languages carry the histories of generations, yet it changes as time flies. So, what does localization have to do with it? Let us understand an example of a classic language, Latin. The […]

Why do you need content writers?


Why do you need content writers? In today’s digital world, Marketing and writing go together. For promoting and explaining about any product, you not only have to post pictures in front of your customers. You also need to write an attractive description of the product. For that purpose, you should work with a content writer […]

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